Opening Hearts · Expanding Minds · Transforming Lives
HealWithin International is an afterschool program providing support through holistic and alternative healing methods, including creative expression, sound healing, and mindfulness meditation for children ages 8-17 whose mother is absent from their day to day lives. When a child feels the absence of her/his mother due to divorce custody, death, incarceration, institutionalization, or deployment, the child may experience difficulties associated with this absence. We help them discover inner strength physically and emotionally and shift their attitude. HWI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Our Vision
“Heal the emotional wounds of every motherless child – one day at a time.”Our Mission
HealWithin International providing holistic, alternative therapies to children between the ages of 8-17 struggling with trauma primarily due to the absence of their mother.Our Programs Include
Creative Expression
Mindfulness Meditation
Self-Esteem and Positive Body Image
Holding Space for The Innocent
3rd Annual Charity Poker Tournament
Donation Buy-In – $100.00 Grab a chair and try your luck at the 3rd Annual Charity Porker Tournament. Enjoy food, drinks, and music. There will be cash prizes for the Top 3 Winners! All donations go to, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization for motherless children. Details Date: Thursday, July 29, 2021 […]
Outdoor Movie Night
Outdoor Family Movie Night Tickets: $10 per person Free popcorn!!! HealWithin International presents: “Outdoor Movie Night” at John Hart Real Estate’s Parking lot located at 1544 Canada Blvd, Glendale CA Grab your lawn chair, blanket, food, and beverage (no alcohol), and enjoy a Family Movie Night. Tickets must be purchased […]
Our Motherless Children Program
Find out more about HealWithin International’s Motherless Children afterschool program for kids 8-17 who are motherless or separated from their mothers.
Our Unique Approach
How can we thank you Liza. Amanda has been to your office only six times and we already see a huge difference in her attitude and confidence. When we came in to see you, we informed you she may not stay for she had refused five other therapists. They say teens are not easy, but somehow you connected and she bonded with you in ways no other had. You helped her see there is more to her than what she thought and believed. Home is better and she’s a happier person.
S. Varela
The leap to adulthood can be a tremendously frustrating period for an inexperienced teenager. Lack of knowledge and life experiences often prevent us from making wise decisions along the way. In such cases, it is important to find comfort in someone who is willing to listen without forming judgmental opinions. Someone like Liza.
A. Grigoryan
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